World Wide Web Project


First project proposal written and circulated for comment (TBL). Paper "HyperText and CERN" (in ASCII or WriteNow format) produced as background.

Project proposal reformulated with encouragement from CN and ECP divisional management. RC is co-author.

Initial WorldWideWeb prototype developed on the NeXT (TBL).

Nicola Pellow joins and starts work on the line-mode browser. Bernd Pollermann helps get interface to CERNVM "FIND" index running. TBL gives a colloquium on hypertext in general.

Line mode and NeXTStep browsers demonstrable. Access is possible to hypertext files, CERNVM "FIND", and internet news articles.

Workplan for the purposes of ECP division.

Presentation of the project to the ECP group.

Line mode browser (www) released to limited audience on priam vax, rs6000, sun4.

Workplan produced for CN/AS group

Presentation to C5 committee. General release of www on central CERN machines.

PCERN Computer Seminar on WWW.

Files available on the net, posted on alt.hypertext (6, 16, 19th Aug), (20th), comp.text.sgml and comp.mail.multi-media (22nd). Jean-Francois Groff joins the project.

MS/HELP and WAIS gateways installed. Mailing lists www-interest (now www-announce) and started. One year status report. Anonymous telnet service started.

Presented poster and demonstration at HT91 . W3 browser installed on VM/CMS. CERN computer newsletter announces W3 to the HEP world.

Line mode browser release 1.1 available by anonymous FTP. See news . Presentation to AIHEP'92 at La Londe.

Line mode v 1.2 annouced on alt.hypertext, comp.infosystems, comp.mail.multi-media, cern.sting, comp.archives.admin, and mailing lists.

Presentation and demo at JENC3 (Innsbruck). Carl Barker joins the project.

Presentation and demo at HEPVM (Lyon).

Distribution of WWW through CernLib, including Viola. WWW library code ported to DECnet. Report to the Advisory Board on Computing.

Introduction of CVS for code management.